"If you want to meet Him, you need to serve them."


The Agape Empowerment Center is a Christ-centered organization committed to providing unparalleled opportunities for the children in its care.



The Agape Empowerment Center is a Christ-centered organization committed to providing unparalleled opportunities for the children in its care.


Core Values

Honor Christ in all we do

agape core value 1

Treat every child as a son or daughter of God

agape core value 2

Inspire the next generation of Liberians

agape core value 3

Make impossible dreams happen

agape core value 4

Simply be the best in everything we do

agape core value 5

"And, he will answer, 'I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me."

Matthew 25:45